Pastel Painting | Skoda
Depending on your budget, pastels can run from fairly inexpensive to very expensive depending on how they are made, and how hard or soft the pastel stick is. The best starter brand is Rembrandt. I would only purchase half sticks. You get twice as many colors and the size of the stick is easier to work with.
If you want to try a small set of soft pastels, look for bright intense colors.
These sticks are great for finishing touches and pops of color. Favorite brands are Schmincke, Sennelier and Terry Ludwig.
I use UArt 400 paper. Most of the paintings we do work well with 9x12 sheets
Other supplies-
backing board to attach your paper, too.
I use foam board, but any firm support will work
an inexpensive 1” brush
Odorless mineral spirits-
rubbing alcohol from the hardware store or Weber’s Odorless Turpenoid (blue and white container)
Masking tape (I use white artist’s tape for easy removal, but regular masking tape works)
paper towels
small sketchbook and pencils An easel- or table easel
Optional items-
nitrile gloves (I do wear gloves when I paint. It can get messy) A set of Tombow Grayscale markers
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Online stores have the best prices for materials-
If you want to try a small set of soft pastels, look for bright intense colors.
These sticks are great for finishing touches and pops of color. Favorite brands are Schmincke, Sennelier and Terry Ludwig.
I use UArt 400 paper. Most of the paintings we do work well with 9x12 sheets
Other supplies-
backing board to attach your paper, too.
I use foam board, but any firm support will work
an inexpensive 1” brush
Odorless mineral spirits-
rubbing alcohol from the hardware store or Weber’s Odorless Turpenoid (blue and white container)
Masking tape (I use white artist’s tape for easy removal, but regular masking tape works)
paper towels
small sketchbook and pencils An easel- or table easel
Optional items-
nitrile gloves (I do wear gloves when I paint. It can get messy) A set of Tombow Grayscale markers
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Online stores have the best prices for materials-