Pastel Painting Supply List A set of soft pastels (artist grade quality). It’s good to have a variety of colors and different values of each color. I use a variety of pastels from a harder stick to a softer stick. Some of my favorite brands include Rembrandt, Girault, Terry Ludwig, and Unison. I have a set curated 16 and 30 Unison half stick pastel sets available for purchase. Contact me for more information.
If you are are a beginner and buying pastels for the first time, I recommend a set of 60 half stick Rembrandt soft pastels or Richeson pastels. Online sets are usually cheaper at, or I use UArt 400 archival sanded paper or LuxArchival sanded paper. I sell sheets for $5 or you can purchase online at I have some samples of Canson Mi-tientes that you can try for free. It’s not a sanded paper but many people like this as well. Any other paper that you prefer is fine as well.
Foam board for backing (Hobby Lobby or Walgreens, CVS) Weber’s Odorless Turpenoid (blue and white container) or rubbing alcohol from your local hardware store
An inexpensive 1” flat brush for underpainting Masking tape Paper towels Small sketchbook and pencils Online art supply stores have the best deals for buying materials.,,,,
Other optional, but not required items that I like to useDerwent Pencil Sketching Wallet – perfect for keeping all of your sketching supplies in one place The Color Wheel Company ViewCatcher Artist's View Finder Cottage Mills Color Evaulator II Red and Green Filter. There are other red filter options as well as red filter glasses