Title: Learning To Love Watercolor
Instructor: Dr. Phyllis Kozlowski
Supply List:
Do Not Purchase Supplies Until the First Day of Class.
The instructor will review the material list and options.
Suggested Vendors:
Dick Blick Art Supplies
79 Danada Square E Shopping (Retail Store
Wheaton, Illinois
Order Online:
They also have a site in Lincoln Park:
1574 North Kingsbury Street and Downtown
Cheap Joe's Art Stuff
374 Industrial Park Drive
Boone, North Carolina 28607
Brushes: Preferred Brands: Cheap Joe's Pseudo Sable Rounds
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold Brushes
Brush should hold a sharp point.
Sizes: #5 or #6
Sizes #8 or #10
Flat Wash Brush (any Brand) 1' Wide or Mop (Squirrel Hair O. K.)
#2 Rigger
Old Toothbrush
Paper: 140 lb. Cold Press Watercolor Paper
Paper preference: D'Arches, Fabriano. However, Canson is O. K. for beginners.
No Spiral Tablets.
You can purchase individual sheets or
a Watercolor Block Size 12. x 16" (Preferred)
Paints: Alizarin Crimson
Cerulean Blue
Ultramarine Blue
Burnt Sienna
Yellow Ochre or Raw Sienna
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Cadmium Red Medium
Hooker's Green Deep
Olive Green
Quinachrinone Gold
Lavender (Optional)
Recommend: American Journey Watercolors from Cheap Joe:s
Also, Holbeig, Da Vinci, Grumbacher or any reputable brand.
Absolutely no Reed, Artist' Loft Paints.
Palette: Recommend: Mijello Fusion Airtight Leak Proof Palettes or any palette that has at
least 24 wells.
Additional Materials: Large plastic bowl for water.
Box of Kleenex
Artist Tape
Small Misting Bottle
White Plastic Eraser
#2 Pencil
Masking Fluid (Grumacher, Winsor Newton or Pebeo)
Instructor: Dr. Phyllis Kozlowski
Supply List:
Do Not Purchase Supplies Until the First Day of Class.
The instructor will review the material list and options.
Suggested Vendors:
Dick Blick Art Supplies
79 Danada Square E Shopping (Retail Store
Wheaton, Illinois
Order Online:
They also have a site in Lincoln Park:
1574 North Kingsbury Street and Downtown
Cheap Joe's Art Stuff
374 Industrial Park Drive
Boone, North Carolina 28607
Brushes: Preferred Brands: Cheap Joe's Pseudo Sable Rounds
Winsor & Newton Sceptre Gold Brushes
Brush should hold a sharp point.
Sizes: #5 or #6
Sizes #8 or #10
Flat Wash Brush (any Brand) 1' Wide or Mop (Squirrel Hair O. K.)
#2 Rigger
Old Toothbrush
Paper: 140 lb. Cold Press Watercolor Paper
Paper preference: D'Arches, Fabriano. However, Canson is O. K. for beginners.
No Spiral Tablets.
You can purchase individual sheets or
a Watercolor Block Size 12. x 16" (Preferred)
Paints: Alizarin Crimson
Cerulean Blue
Ultramarine Blue
Burnt Sienna
Yellow Ochre or Raw Sienna
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Cadmium Red Medium
Hooker's Green Deep
Olive Green
Quinachrinone Gold
Lavender (Optional)
Recommend: American Journey Watercolors from Cheap Joe:s
Also, Holbeig, Da Vinci, Grumbacher or any reputable brand.
Absolutely no Reed, Artist' Loft Paints.
Palette: Recommend: Mijello Fusion Airtight Leak Proof Palettes or any palette that has at
least 24 wells.
Additional Materials: Large plastic bowl for water.
Box of Kleenex
Artist Tape
Small Misting Bottle
White Plastic Eraser
#2 Pencil
Masking Fluid (Grumacher, Winsor Newton or Pebeo)