- Retirement
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Giving a gift to the LaGrange Art League through a retirement plan, such as a 401(k), IRA, or 403(b), may allow you to eliminate a portion of the state and federal income taxes that would be owed on these plans and the taxes owed by your estate as well.
If you're over 70 1/2 years old and are required to take a Minimum Distribution from your IRA, you can direct that distribution to a qualified not-for-profit organization or charity and your distribution from your IRA may become tax free.
By including the LaGrange Art League as the beneficiary of a percentage of your retirement assets, you can support the mission of the LaGrange Art League.
If you're over 70 1/2 years old and are required to take a Minimum Distribution from your IRA, you can direct that distribution to a qualified not-for-profit organization or charity and your distribution from your IRA may become tax free.
By including the LaGrange Art League as the beneficiary of a percentage of your retirement assets, you can support the mission of the LaGrange Art League.